Month: January 2014
Real estate rehab gone wild – the options?
Reader Question: My son was buying a home that the owner/contractor was to rehab. The deal started in June 2013 and due to issues he still has not completed the building. In December, the new septic did not pass inspection; therefore we ended the deal. I put a deposit down on the house, paid for hardwood…
How can one tell which run-down area is best?
Reader Question: How can one tell if one run-down area is best? A friend and I are going to buy an old home and remodel it to rent out. We have a limited budget, so we are looking in areas where prices are lower. Are there any strategies or tips for buying and renovating houses…
Multi-area home search requires work
Reader Question: Monty, I am pre-qualified by a lender for a mortgage loan for $200,000. I work in one of the country’s largest cities and commute to work. I have a good and secure job. I want to look at cost, safety, neighborhood amenities and convenience to public transportation, as they are different in every suburb.…
Compare building a new home to buying a pre-owned home
Reader Question: I live in a city of about 300,000 people where real estate prices are high. There is a short supply of both low and mid-priced homes here. The situation is complicated further with a shortage of affordable rentals. However, there is an ample vacant land supply surrounding the area. Improved lots sell for anywhere from…