Month: October 2017
Ten kinds of real estate agents
Reader Question: We are downsizing and considering different lifestyles once we sell our home. We do not recall the different kinds of real estate agents in the market today. Is it just us, or are there more kinds of real estate agents? Monty’s Answer: There are more real estate agents with a specialized practice today…
One of real estate’s biggest myths
Reader Question: The relo counselor is telling me I will lose the relocation benefits if I list my home for more than ten percent above the average of two appraisals. This seems like one of real estate’s biggest myths. Their argument is this rule will ultimately help the home sell at a higher price, which…
Four steps to fill vacant retail space
Reader Question: I have vacant retail space. I own an 8000 square foot retail building fronting on a street with a 15,000 daily car count. The building is brick and block with a retail glass front, and about 60 years old. The parking is adequate. Two tenants occupy the building. One pays about $14.00 per square…