Month: November 2019

  • Eleven reasons to interview real estate agents

    Many home buyers pick an agent because they are relatives, co-workers, referred by a friend, or met at an open house. While they are likely all nice people, none of these connections by themselves is a good reason to pick a real estate agent. There are good real estate agents, but they are not easy…

  • Is a Verbal Offer binding?

     Reader Question: ​I am going through a Realtor, and I verbally agreed to a price from a guy who low-balled by over half the asking price. The buyer is still knit-picking everything and taking forever, so we have signed no papers. Now I have another offer with a personal friend. I want to know if I…

  • When you engage an incompetent real estate agent

    Reader Question: We used an incompetent real estate agent. We bought a home subject to obtaining a mortgage. Our Realtor drafted the contract with a twenty-day drop-dead date on the inspection and the appraisal. She pointed out we could jeopardize our ten-thousand dollar deposit if we missed these dates. Then she delivered the documents to…

  • Is your real estate transaction failing?

    Reader Question: Is our transaction failing? How many days before the scheduled closing, does the buyer’s agent have to present us with the final “letter of commitment?” We want to firm up our plans. Monty’s Answer: The first place to look for your answer is the contract. Each state has its laws and forms, so…