About Dear Monty

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  2. Sellers: A green home selling box for an overview of the process.
  3. Owners: An orange owners box for an overview of tips for owners.
  4. Investors: An orange income property box for investor insights and answers.

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Our goal is helping real estate consumers improve their outcomes when buying, selling or owning real estate.

Making financial decisions lacking critical information in real estate leads to errors. By taking advantage of an experienced advocate’s insights in each step, you can anticipate your responses when making important decisions, as opposed to reacting in the heat of the moment.

Most importantly, we encourage our readers to educate themselves. Another way to seize an edge in the marketplace is to check out House Money. It is a reference book to carry with you that is chock full of powerful suggestions that may save you thousands of dollars when you buy or sell a home.

About Richard Montgomery

Richard Montgomery has experience in a wide variety of real estate related businesses. His involvement with methods to improve the real estate consumer experience over 30 years provide a unique perspective to his no-nonsense real estate advice.

As CEO of Corporate Relocation Services (CRS) from 1985 to 2010, Montgomery led a team of people to provide real estate consulting services to large corporations with national operations.

These companies regularly relocated employees to serve business purposes in different locations. In this role as consultants, the CRS team worked with thousands of employees, real estate agents, appraisers, mortgage lenders, inspectors and specialty contractors throughout the United States.

Founded a real estate company in 1989 that was organized and developed to deploy a totally innovative business model for real estate services that significantly improved the customer experience. This model transformed the traditional real estate model to be very much similar to the way most other businesses in other industries deliver their products and services to the market. This company, which sold to employees in 2005, continues to provide residential real estate services today.

Montgomery began his career as a real estate agent. He credits his early success to a strong mentor who taught him to treat buyers and sellers as he would treat his parents. Montgomery founded his company in 1970. It grew and prospered utilizing the identical methods in use today.  The company became one of the leading 25 companies in the Electronic Realty Associates(ERA) franchise system and a market leader in the local community. It was during these years in the field his observations of the real estate industry shaped his belief that reforms are necessary to improve consumer outcomes in real estate transactions.