Month: March 2013
Expertise required in evaluating investment property.
Reader Question: My parents have rental properties and are thinking of selling them off to fund retirement. How would you go about evaluating investment property? We know what the house appraised for, but do you somehow figure in the income the property makes? I guess what I am asking is ” Is the property worth more…
Get foreclosure facts before going ahead.
Reader Question: Hi Monty, I have two homes and two mortgages. Home “A” is underwater, and I am unable to sell it for the remaining amount owing on its mortgage. Home “B” is fine, gaining in value and is my residence. Both “A” and “B” are within the same city. I fear home “A” will go…
Four tips to make informed price reductions
Reader Question: My agent wants me to lower my price. The home has been on the market for less than a month for $349,900. She wants it to be $339,900. I cannot go any lower because I have a mortgage and a home equity loan of $260,000. What should I do? Monty’s Answer: Pricing a…